Memphis in the Mean Time…
By Ted Pelech October 12, 2009
 Photo by Tom Turrill
Detroit, Michigan -- When our bright red Super Street Camaro pulls into the staging beams of the 2009 NMCA World Finals at Memphis Motorsports Park, it will mark the end of a long hiatus for Pelech Bros. Racing.
When we left drag racing back in 2003, we left with a promise. A solemn vow to return to the Super Street class where our racing began.
Dozens of months have come & gone since then along with many unfulfilled promises to return to racing each season. But long after the heckling, taunts, and teasing faded, we continued working countless hard hours, never forgetting what we set out to do; return to 10-and-a-half-inch-tire racing where we started some 15 years ago.
When you see us in Memphis, know that we’ve finally fulfilled our pledge and also made a few more!
Ted & Tim Pelech
Pelech Bros. Racing