Centerline, MI -- The rumors have become reality and it's finally here…
Our website was redesigned to bring you one of the finest racer websites on the net and to provide our business partners with an excellent extension of their marketing platforms.
This is the first step in the on-going evolution of We've painstakingly scoured the cyber-verse critiquing several racer websites in order to establish the gauge that our website would be measured by. Many of the biggest and most well known names in racing have disappointingly weak websites. That's surprising considering how internet dependant and information driven the consumer market has become. You'd think that these teams would place more importance on maintaining a good website as part of their overall marketing presence.
With that in mind, we have developed a sensible marketing and promotion strategy with playing a key role in that strategy. The goal of our website is to strongly promote our business associates and ourselves through a solid web-presence and by keeping fresh, innovative, and ever evolving. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of our associates, we have the tools in place to achieve these goals. You're going to see Pelech Bros. Racing and our business partners in more places and more frequently.
So have a look around our new site. We have a couple great features coming up. If you look at our "More News" section below, you'll get an update on the state of our Super Street re-conversion project. And in the very near future, we'll also take you inside ET Performance to follow our brand new head and intake package through the entire manufacturing process. Wait until you see this! ET Performance is taking a raw casting that has absolutely zero machining and turning it into a precision motorsports masterpiece. Now maybe we'll all have a little more appreciation for the costs of a race prepped pair of cylinder heads.
I think we're also going to kick in the door of more of our business partners to see how they do what they do. Maybe we'll see how Diamond Pistons makes the slugs that we all beat up so badly.
Be sure to check out all that webmonster Michael Ray and us have built here. We hope you enjoy it. Feel free to drop an e-mail letting us know what you think.
Catch you later -
Ted & Tim Pelech
Pelech Bros. Racing LLC